Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas time fun

We have been busy with fun activites this christmas season. Here is what he have been doing. Hope your holiday season has been filled with fun stuff as well.! Merry christmas

Santa Train

Brooklyn school christmas Program

Christmas Program

Cookie Party with Friends

Lights Downtown Honolulu

of course my batteries were dead after this picture

Some people can build snowmen but here in Hawaii we build Sandman
Okay acutally shirlyn and the kids made it we just took the credit


Kit said...

Sand man!! Haha! I love it! Looks like you guys are having fun in Hawaii. SO sorry you are without David! I can't imagine it. 3 kids is so crazy!! You are seriously the mom of the year. Hang in there!

The Cox Family said...

So much fun. I hope you had a great Christmas and I hope Dawson gets feeling better. Shirlyn