Sunday, September 11, 2011

MMMMM Blake Shelton

A month or so ago we got a base newspaper. In there is said coming next month Blake Shelton concert. There was no mention of needing tickets. I didn't want to get my hopes up but in the back of my mind I was hoping it was going to be a free concert. I was full on prepared to camp out for this. Just like my mom has taught us to camp out for the 24 of July parade. My mom taught me many great things and one of those happens to be how to camp out for good things. every 24 of july she camps out for the big parade in utah. She stresses about it and gets nervous the day of if people are getting there spots before they are suppose to. Well I was kind of that way. I told david to drive by the field in the afternoon just to check out how bad the crowd was.
We took dinner over to the field about 5:30. The kids thought it was so fun to run around with other kids. We got a good spot. He cam out and played about an hour. It was the best hour ever. He sure is nice to look at and his songs are really good also. We met up with some friends there and had a good time. It was awesome!!
Brooklyn and sierra loving the concert
trying to get the perfect picture with Blake shelton in it
Love this guy
Dawson all ready for a concert


Anonymous said...

He is so yummy!! I am glad you camped out and got good seats! So jealous :)

Bodie_Millie_McKenzie said...

Sure do love some Blake Shelton! Glad it was fun. I LOVE Brooklyn's hat! She is soooo fashionable!And the thing I love most about her is that I would not be surprised if she ever tried to wear your swimsuit to go swimming!