Monday, January 17, 2011

Happy Birthday Dawson

I cant believe that you are already three. Time is going by way to fast. This year Dawson dad was home for your birthday. He missed the last two so it was extra special this year. It was on Sunday this year and it was stake conference so that means a vacation day for us(just kidding well sort of). You love balls and kicking so we got you a soccer ball and a net,you got some playdoh, and some toy story three toys. You love the movie toy story three. If I pt that on you will watch the whole thing. That is one way I know how to get things done while I know you are going to be in one spot. You still love your blankey. You don't go any were with out it. You love fruit snacks,hot dogs, mac n cheese, chicken nuggets, gogurts,suckers, gum, apples, bananas, and pretty much any food.

You have two modes destruction and crazy. I wonder what goes on in your head when you do things like trying to jump from the top bunk to the floor while saying to infinity and beyond,pulling chair over to the stove to see you mac n cheese cook, out of the blue start your own bath,run around like a crazy person, destruct anything in your path, think that when the van door opens it is a ride to hang onto the door handle, wear your rain boots and call your self woody,and many more things that just show your true personality. I love when you are tired or sic you will let me hold you with your blanket for ever. I love those times you let me do it.

You are such a joy to have around. I couldn't picture this family with out you. You always make us laugh and keep us on our toes. You are a great brother to Landon and Brooklyn. You love to play star wars with Landon and littlest pet shop with Brooklyn. We love you so so much.

You brighten our days everyday. You are a joy to be around. These last three years have been full of fun adventrues and hair pulling for me with you. I look forward to this year as you grow,explore, and learn so much more. Love you dawsey


Kylee said...

Wow, I can't believe he is THREE! I remember when Brooklyn was in nursery! Happy Birthday not so little Dawson :)

Philip and Jaime Connor said...

Happy Birthday Dawson!

Bodie_Millie_McKenzie said...

Happy Birthday Dawson! We love you. What a cute kid. You need to send him to live with us for a while!